YouTubers and Sponsors, Effortlessly

Discover sponsors for your videos or find the perfect YouTube channels for your brand.
list of sponsors
You are...

A YouTuber Looking for Sponsors

1 First, check your competitors

Locate fellow YouTubers or competitors who are likely collaborating with sponsors that might interest you.

2 Discover Their Sponsors

Explore the brands they have partnered with and look for some that you do not know yet.

3 Check if a new sponsor could be a good fit

By clicking on a sponsor, you can see many information about the sponsor and the kind of YouTubers they work with. Save it to your favorites to keep track of it.

4 Check the YouTubers you do not know

By checking YouTubers sponsored by a sponsor you like, you can find many new sponsors that you did not know yet.

As a YouTuber

No more un-monetized YouTube videos
Find sponsors in your niche that delight your subscribers
Track sponsor collaborations with YouTubers and their frequency
list of sponsors
What you could say about Meet Sponsors

Potential Creator Experiences

Discover what you could say about Meet Sponsors after a few months of using it
Meet Sponsors has transformed my approach to brand partnerships. Not only can I discover relevant sponsors quickly, but the insights about their past collaborations give me a huge advantage in negotiations. I've secured deals I never thought possible by showing sponsors I understand their strategy. It's like having an insider's playbook!

Maybe You

Tech YouTuber with 500K+ subscribers

As a smaller creator, I used to struggle to get noticed. With Meet Sponsors, I've found a goldmine of opportunities. I can track when sponsors become active again, signaling new budgets. This timing advantage has allowed me to land partnerships ahead of bigger channels. My sponsorship revenue has quadrupled!

Potentially You

Gaming Content Creator with 50K subscribers

Meet Sponsors gives me a global perspective on sponsorships. By following similar creators in other countries, I've identified brands expanding internationally. I've secured exclusive deals by approaching these sponsors before they officially enter my market. It's opened up a whole new world of partnerships!

Future You

Lifestyle Vlogger with 1M subscribers

The sponsorship landscape changes weekly, and Meet Sponsors helps me stay ahead of the curve. Their dashboard lets me track industry trends in real-time. I can see which niches are heating up and adjust my content strategy accordingly. It's like having a crystal ball for sponsorship opportunities!

You in a Few Months

Travel YouTuber with 250K subscribers

As an educational content creator, I always struggled to find sponsors that aligned with my values. Meet Sponsors has been a game-changer. I can now filter for brands that prioritize education and social responsibility. This targeted approach has not only increased my sponsorship deals but also enhanced my credibility with my audience. It's a win-win situation!

Your Future Self

Educational Content Creator with 750K subscribers

You are a...

Brand Looking for Nice YouTubers

1 Use our powerful filters to find YouTubers

Find YouTubers by median views on their sponsored videos, upload frequency, language, subscribers count or even by filtering by who they are, or are not, sponsored by.

2 Analyze Their Engagement

Evaluate the engagement metrics of potential YouTubers to ensure they have an active and responsive audience.

3 Review Past Collaborations

Check the YouTubers’ history with other sponsors to understand their collaboration style and effectiveness.

4 Save to Favorites

By saving a YouTuber to your favorites, you can easily revisit their profiles and improve our recommendation algorithms for you.

5 Monitor Competitors

Add competing youtubers to your favorites to keep an eye on their sponsorship activities and strategies.

As a Brand

Find YouTubers that fit your audience
Know who your competitors are sponsoring
Know the last time a YouTuber has worked with a competitor
Get a curated list of YouTubers to reach out to made by our algorithm
list of sponsors
What you could say about Meet Sponsors

Potential Brand Experiences

Discover what you could say about Meet Sponsors after a few months of using it
Meet Sponsors has revolutionized our influencer strategy. The advanced filters are a game-changer - we can now find creators who haven't worked with competitors in the last 6 months and consistently hit 1M+ views on sponsored content. With saved searches and notifications, we're always first to spot new opportunities. Our campaign efficiency has increased by 50%, and we're paying less for better results!

Maybe You

Marketing Director at a Tech Company

As a startup, we needed targeted exposure without breaking the bank. Meet Sponsors helped us identify high-performing YouTubers who were underutilized by sponsors - true hidden gems. We've secured partnerships at great rates with creators whose audiences are perfect for our brand. By cutting out intermediaries, both we and the creators are getting better deals. Our ROI has tripled in just months!

Potentially You

Founder of an Eco-Friendly Startup

Meet Sponsors gives us a competitive edge we never had before. We can now monitor our competitors' sponsorship activities in real-time. Recently, we noticed a rival had neglected some top performers, and we quickly swooped in to secure those partnerships. The platform's insights have allowed us to build a more diverse and effective creator portfolio, significantly outperforming our previous campaigns.

You in the Future

Influencer Relations Manager at a Fashion Brand

Who is it for?

  • YouTubers who want to maximize their revenue by getting sponsored
  • Brands or Agencies looking for YouTubers
  • Partner Managers of YouTubers

One simple platform.
To know everything about influence on YouTube

How to start discovering?

Choose a plan

Whether you want to use the platform monthly, as and when you need, or like the idea of saving money by subscribing for a year: choose your preferred plan, and get on in a few clicks.

Get on the platform

No techy barriers here. On one dashboard, you’ll see a menu bar with ‘Sponsors’ and ‘YouTubers’ to instantly start your search.

Filter + search

Curious about a specific sponsor or want to see who’s sponsoring in a specific niche? Type, filter, and click—to get real-time data with the highest potential for you.

Reach out. Monetize.

With backlinks on every sponsor, it’s easy to get in touch to make potential real. But that’s where it begins. MeetSponsor lets you plan, strategize, and consistently make deals—to maximize revenue while syncing perfectly with your audience.

To get access to the platform

Choose the plan that fits your need


For YouTubers looking for more sponsors in their niche



  • List of sponsors
  • List of sponsored YouTubers
  • Similar Sponsors
  • Search by niche
  • Recap mails (coming soon)


For Sponsors looking for new YouTubers to work with



  • all the perks of Creator
  • Powerful filtering system: has not worked with, median views, subscribers, etc.
  • Similar YouTubers
  • Notifications (coming soon)

Creator of meetsponsors
Benjamin Code, Coder & Youtuber

While we do love the serendipitous, this was not it. As a YouTuber looking back at 2023 with his partner manager: Benjamin realized that nearly half of his weekly videos had no sponsors at all—too much money just left on the table. And when considering all options for being proactive about finding sponsoring: they were all painful, slow, and low success.

So as a Software Engineer with tons of experience in building amazing tools (ex. Qovery Software Engineer), Benjamin did what he knew best to do. First, he was the end user in mind. But realizing that so many others were in the exact same quandary as him, he realized the potential to make it into a complete SaaS. And then he realised how valuable the tool was for brands too!

Lots of lines of code, prototyping, and user testing later, meetsponsors was born—to give every person an incredible experience as they discovered sponsors.
Benjamin Code

Common Questions
Asked by fellow content creators

Within minutes. While it would naturally depend a whole lot on your niche and finding a match to the interests of your audience, MeetSponsors is a platform that lets you discover available sponsors in a jif—with all the capabilities to strategically hone in on your search.
Easy as peas. It’s as simple as typing in a brand, YouTuber, or niche in the search bar—and then getting their results in real-time. You can pick tags, save tags, check out trends, choose filters, and save favorites. And whenever you find a dream sponsor, you’ll have backlinks to immediately get in touch.
Negative. While there are nifty tools that allow brands to find YouTubers by subscriber count, language, and niche—there are zilch other tools that allow YouTubers to find sponsors. And here’s our bet why: it takes being a YouTuber (i.e. experiencing the pain of un-monetized videos first hand!) plus being a developer who could make great tools (= our founder, Benjamin Code).
The simple answer: anytime you start organically getting emails from sponsors. But the nuanced answer: it depends on your language. For English or Spanish channels, this would be 100k subscribers—while for a French channel, it would be 40k subscribers.
Running on a simple subscription plan, you can jump on for 1 month at $99—or for a year at $950. And here’s the value rationale: if you found just one sponsor for one video with MeetSponsors, you’ll literally be paying for its use the entire year—for the potential to monetize your each and every video. If you are a small creator with less than 70k subscribers, you can contact us to get a discount.
For the first months of, the project has been developed with French YouTubers in mind, the time the nail down every edge cases. Soon the platform will open to English and Spanish YouTubers with 100k+ subscribers. We are working on adding more languages and countries but every new language will be added with a lot of care to ensure the best experience for the users.
The analysis of sponsors for French YouTubers started in January 2024. Sponsorship operations conducted before this date will not be referenced on the site. The analysis of sponsors for English and Spanish YouTubers will begin in April 2024.
The tool is perfectly suited for searching in both directions. YouTubers can easily find sponsors to approach, but it is very easy in the other direction to find YouTubers who will perfectly match certain types of brands or sponsorship operations. Take a competing brand, see which YouTuber they have worked with, and contact them to also represent your tool. A For You page for brands will soon offer several profiles of YouTubers that match the YouTubers you typically work with.
No, we don’t offer a free trial. But we do have a free video guide that you can watch to see how the platform works. If you are a small creator with less than 70k subscribers, you can contact us to get a discount.

Ready to find the perfect sponsors or influencers on YouTube?